Your move is coming up!? Don't panic, with a little organization, you can become a master in the art of packing and unpacking! Real estate does not rhyme with moving and yet!
REAL ESTATE / CASE 1: Moving on your own
An economical solution but one that requires organization.
Here are 3 options to make your life easier:
- Create a list Write down everything related to the move. List the tasks to be done, group them in chronological order and/or by nature. As you go along, cross them out! In order not to forget anything, put together in a folder all the papers related to your move (paper of the rented vehicle, contract with the mover, loading order etc.)
- Measure the furniture to ensure that they all fit in the elevator (or even the stairwell) of your new home. Remember to calculate the volume of the utility vehicle: a volume calculator is available on all rental websites and Reserve your truck!
- Notify us as soon as possible your friends and family for backup
REAL ESTATE / CASE 2: Moving with professionals
If you want to use a moving company, determine the formula that suits you: the simple transport including loading and unloading or the complete care with packing of all the stuff and assembly of the new furniture.
To compare rates, don't hesitate to ask several estimates and consult different companies (you will find on the net some nuggets on the subject, like for example, As soon as your choice is made, book the team of movers. To avoid any unpleasant surprises on the big day, call the company two weeks before and then the day before, and confirm the exact time of the appointment.
REAL ESTATE / CASE NUMBER 3: Preparing the boxes
Your goal? Order your boxes, don't wait until the last moment to estimate the volume to pack.
To gain efficiency, here are some tips:
- Choose small boxes to carry without difficulty
- Don't forget the essential accessories: tape, bubble wrap and protective covers that will preserve your stuff
- Start by sorting before packing to reduce the number of boxes
- Numérotez les cartons par pièce de destination sans oublier de marquer leur nombre. Vous serez ainsi certain(e) que le compte sera bon lors de vos emménagement (Noter leur contenu à l’aide d’un marqueur sur le dessus et sur le côté)
- Les objets personnels et précieux (comme les bijoux par exemple), constituez un ou deux cartons à garder avec vous.
Rappel : faites une bonne action, ne jetez pas ! Donnez à des associations caritatives, associative (type Emmaüs)
REAL ESTATE / CASE 4: Tying up loose ends
- Identify the shortest route between your old and new apartments and print a map
- Photocopiez les papiers importants ; en cas de perte, vous pourrez plus facilement vous en procurer de nouveaux
- Prepare various electrical machines for the move: defrost the freezer, drain the washing machine and appliances containing fuel (lawn mowers, stoves), unplug appliances
- Faites des courses alimentaires pour le lendemain
- Raise the meters for electricity, gas, water...
IT'S ON: Calmness required and especially good mood assured!
Everything is organized so no reason to stress:
- Hand out a plan of the new home to participants. If necessary, stick labels on the doors of your new home that specify "living room," "dining room,"...
- Load the moving truck methodically. Optimize space by positioning heavy, bulky furniture on the floor, primarily on the bottom and sides of the vehicle. Lighter items will be stacked on top. Securely fasten all items
- Upon arrival, count the boxes, check their contents and the condition of the furniture before signing the release letter. If you notice any breakage, damage or missing items, you report it to the movers and, above all, describe the damage well in the letter. Be careful, the mention "Subject to unpacking" has no legal value.
- Have plenty of cash on hand for movers' tips or last-minute purchases
Photo by Cederic X/Unsplash